I Love My Bike Winter Season Service Specials!
Make sure your bicycle is ready for next year and save! Our "I Love My Bike" winter season service specials are now available through Valentine’s Day! No appointment necessary - just drop it off at your convenience and we’ll call when it’s ready!
Tubbs Snowshoes SALE!In-stock Tubbs snowshoes are 20-50% off! Grab a pair and head for the hills! |
Ice Skates & EquipmentWe carry a full range of hockey and figure skates and equipment. Come check out our selection of everything you need to get out on the ice. |
Indoor Cycling TrainersAn indoor cycling setup in your home can be an excellent way to stay in shape, relieve stress, and stay connected to friends and family throughout the winter. Explore our indoor cycling essentials here and stop in for more tips on getting started. |
Bike ServiceTake advantage of winter downtime and get your bike ready for a great summer season! From flat tires to full overhauls, the mechanics at Joe Fix Its will get you back on the road (or the trail) with quick and cost-effective service. |
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0% Interest Financing
We now offer 0% interest financing for 12 months on bicycles and 0% for 24 months on e-bikes through Synchrony. We also offer traditional layaway options.
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